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Abelmoschus manihot drying solution

Abelmoschus manihot drying solution

Total drying time:around 20h

Recommended equipment:heat pump dryer, tunnel type of heat pump dryer, batch type of hot air dryer

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Material introduction

Abelmoschus manihot called Hibiscus manihot, also known as: Wild hibiscus, is annual Annual herbaceous plants Kinnosuke Department of autumn plants; the nickname in some areas called sticky dry or mountain-elm skin. In August 2003, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences found this endangered plant in Nangong city, Xingtai, Hebei, It has the most edible, medicinal and health functions, and higher utilization value in more than 200 okra plants

Drying process

Temperature-rise stage: from room temperature to 40℃, 1-2 hours: 1st stage: 40C-50℃ drying, 4-6hours. Large moisture exhaust. 2nd stage: 45-50℃ drying for 6-8 hours, surface shrinkage. 3rd stage: 55-60℃ drying, inside and outside dried completely. 4th stage: 60-65℃, inside and outside dried completely, end moisture level below 10%. Note: This drying process takes the specific drying room, specific varieties, size and the maturity of Abelmoschus, so the drying procedures for reference only, customer can optimize it in the production process

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